The Ropes of Hope

“There were many more corals, and they were much more colorful. There were also fish which I haven’t seen in a long time. During the 80 years I’ve lived in Jibondo, much has been destroyed. We have the responsibility to heal …” Abdalla Hassan Omari 84, Elder Jibondo Fishing Community

Ropes of Hope was founded in the heart of paradise. On the three small islands of Chole, Shungi mbili and Jibondo. By some ocean lovers who no longer wanted to watch the coral die in Mafia Island Marine Park.

Once, they were considered the healthiest and most biodiverse coral reefs in the Western Indian Ocean. This miracle of nature is still remembered by the old people on the islands. But their knowledge will be lost if we do not act.

The Ropes of Hope aims to stop the decline of coral reefs caused by severe bleaching events and unsustainable fishing.

To move forward, the NGO in collaboration with Chole Mjini Tree House Lodge, Thanda Island Private Marine Reserve, Mafia Island Diving and the Marine Parks and Reserves Unit of Tanzania works with local communities on the islands; their livelihoods depend on a healthy coral reefs.

Corals are farmed and gene banks are created to preserve genetic variability. Young people from the villages learn to dive and renature damaged reefs with healthy corals.

School children are taught to appreciate the precious treasures of their underwater world being trained at the Coral Conservation Club in their Secondary School.

And the knowledge of the old villagers about the former condition of the reefs needs to be preserved and used to save the corals.

bookbridge is determined to help and thus ties their books and digital collectibles to The Ropes of Hope – for a better future. Become part of our community and help us save the corals.

The partners of The Ropes of Hope:

Chole Mjini Conservation and Development Co. Ltd:
Thanda Island Tanzania Ltd:
Mafia Island Diving:
Mafia Island Marine Park/ Marine Parks and Reserves Unit of Tanzania:
Chole Island Community
Jibondo Island Community