Arias Heads Picasso

“’But Arias, cutting Picasso’s hair wasn’t challenging”, I was often told. He hardly had any.” To which I replied: “You are mistaken. Its much more difficult to cut an almost bold man’s hair, because you first have to find the few hairs that he has left.” Eugenio Arias

Like Picasso, Arias was a man of inventive humor., caught  by their infectious laugh, digs into the two friends’ personalities and translates them into witty art.

jink.ones animated artwork is based on a photograph by Hubertus Hierl, the last Picasso photographer alive. The complete work consists of a limited series of 13 x 13 digital originals/ NFTs. Why 13? Seems you don’t share Picasso’s superstition.

You can purchase your bookbridge collectible via Creatokia.